Friday 27 March 2015

Mestizo Cuisine, Tamales

The Mestizo culture, has a variety of food. One of my favourite happens to be Tamales where many know it as Bollo as well. I love tamales, especially when my mom prepares them. I would prefer Tamales colado whereby the masa is dissolved in water then cooked until the masa gets thick. Usually, it is eaten during lunck at 12 o'clock  This tamales was prepared by mother. I am a Mestizo, and i love eating my cultural food and also trying out new cultural foods from other cultures.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Where is Belize?

Wondering where Belize can be found? A lot may be questioning around which part of the world this tiny little country is located. Belize is located in the heart of Central America and it is a part of the Caribbean as well. Central America is the tapered portion of land bordered by the Pacific Ocean on the West and and the Caribbean Sea on the West. Belize shares a border on the north with Mexico, Quintana Roo and the state of Guatemala.     Now, that you know where Belize is found I will let you know the districts that makes Belize unique.

It is Belize's northern district, Corozal. It is a peaceful and quiet place to visit. Known for its beautiful sea as you enter in Corozal. Hardworking people that can be found here and always welcoming tourist with a smile.

It's the sweetest district you can find, best known as "Sugah City" since of the Sugar that is made. Also it is the northern part of Belize which is Orange Walk. Its a district filled with welcoming people making you feel at home. Many say that Orange Walk has the best tacos!  (I agree!)

Belize, third district. Belize was once the Capital but yet it is still the place where most Belizean can be found. I can call it one of the busiest place since ships embark, hotels are operated and many places to visit.

I surely can assure you that this district is where culture is alive especially with the Mayan people. The Cayo District. Which is located in the western part of Belize. It is the most visited place by tourist since of its nature, archaeological sites and the home of Culture!

Is the fifth district in Belize, Stann Creek. Stann Creek, is filled with many places to visit. Among these villages they are filled with culture and welcoming residence. Note: Here is located the Worlds first Jaguar Reserve. Also the home of the Garifunas with their lively music and dances.

Belize's southern most part, which is the last district that makes up Belize. Toledo. This district is filled with diverse culture as well. Lightly villages can be found with Mopan Maya and Ketchi Mayan farmers. On the other hand, Punta Gorda is filled with the East Indian. Locals reffer Toledo as the "Forgotten Land" since hardly people visit this place. Well, I should take a visit there!

Well this Six district makes up this Belize unique. Each district having something different and new to learn about!
Orange Walk
Stann Creek